The Liberty Center Music Boosters Constitution


Article I—Organization Name

The name of this organization shall be “The Liberty Center Music Boosters,” hereafter referred to as “LCMB,” “the organization,” or “Boosters.”

Article II—Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote, encourage, and better the welfare of the middle school and high school band and choir programs.

Article III—Membership

Section 1: Membership Statement

(a) Membership is limited to parents and/or guardians of students enrolled in band and/or choir programs at Liberty Center Local Schools for the current school year.

(b) Membership is free of charge.

Article IV—Officers

Section 1: Eligibility

All officers must have a child currently enrolled in the band and/or choir programs at Liberty Center Local Schools for the duration of the current school year.  If the officer’s child does not fulfill their requirements to the band and/or choir programs for the school year, the officer position must be filled by an appropriately qualified individual.

Section 2: Titles and Duties

(a) The offices of this organization shall include a President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

(b) A Vice President may be elected but is not required to conduct business within the organization.

(c) No officer will be permitted to hold more than one officer position.

(d) All officers shall retain voting rights, however, the President shall only vote in the case of a tie.

(e) Any officer may be re-elected so long as they have a child in band and/or choir for the upcoming school year.

(f) Officers cannot reappoint themselves for a second term; they must be re-elected as described in Article V.

(g) The President shall:

  • Supervise the activities of the organization.
  • Preside over all LCMB meetings and call all meetings to order.
  • Appoint necessary committees which shall serve from June 1st to May 31st.
  • Shall regularly communicate with the band and choir parents in a professional manner to convey information regarding needs, meeting dates, activities, and events.

(h) The Vice President shall:

  • Assist the President in his/her duties
  • Assumes the President’s responsibilities in his/her absence.
  • Keep accurate records of all meetings in the Secretary’s absence.

(h) The Secretary shall:

  • Keep accurate records of all meetings.
  • Ensure a digital copy of the meeting minutes are available to the Executive Committee within five (5) days of a meeting.
  • Present the previous meetings minutes at all LCMB meetings for approval by those present.
  • Maintain accurate list of members and their contact information.
  • Send out committee information as directed.
  • Keep copy of constitution and have available for members

(i) The Treasurer shall

  • Keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended.
  • Shall be authorized to pay expenditures that have been approved by the organization.
  • Present a monthly financial report to the LCMB.
  • Prepare a continuous list of projects showing any profits or losses.

(j) The Executive Committee

  • Shall consist of the President, Vice President (if so elected), Secretary, Treasurer, Band Director, and Choir Director.
  • Shall meet at the discretion of the President, including outside of regularly scheduled membership meetings.
  • Shall approve of an unaffiliated auditor for the purpose of auditing the Treasurer’s books before the end of each fiscal year.

Article V—Selection of Officers

Section 1: Eligibility to Hold Office

Only active voting members who meet the requirements stated in Article IV, Section 1 are eligible to hold offices.

Section 2: Nomination and Election Process

(a) The nomination of officers shall occur at the LCMB meeting held in April.

(b) Any eligible member (as defined in Article III Section 1) present may nominate someone or themselves for office by verbally nominating the individual during this procedure. However, the nominee must be considered an eligible member (as defined in Article III Section 1).

(c) Absentee ballots and proxy ballots are not permitted in the nomination or election process.

Section 3: Election Process

(a) The election of officers shall occur at the LCMB meeting held in May.

(b) All LCMB members (as defined in Article III Section 1) present will have the opportunity to vote by secret ballot, if so necessary.

(c) The band/choir directors and current highest-ranking officer not running for office will

tabulate all votes. The highest-ranking officer not running for office shall announce the

officer with a simple majority of votes cast by LCMB members.

(g) In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote for office unless he/she is running for the said office. In which case, the next highest ranking officer not running for the office shall make the deciding vote.

Section 4: Term of Office

(a) The length of office shall be no longer than one year.

(b) Newly elected officers shall take over their duties on June 1st.

(c) Officers may serve multiple terms pending they are eligible Booster members and are voted into office by a majority vote of the Booster membership.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1: General Membership Meetings

(a) Meetings shall be held monthly at times and places designated by the President.

(b) Meeting dates and times shall be published at least two weeks in advance to the parents/guardians of current students enrolled in the LC Schools band and/or choir programs.

(c) Meeting minutes shall be made available to any and all LCMB members upon written request.

(d) The President shall compile all agenda items in advance of the meeting.

(e) Meetings may be held electronically, if necessary.

(f) The President, Secretary, Treasurer, Band Director, and Choir Director shall prepare presentations for each meeting. If that individual will not be present at the meeting, they may select a member of the Executive Committee to present their written presentation in their absence.

(g) Meetings can be cancelled and rescheduled by the President at any time for any reason.

(h) Individuals without a student enrolled in the band and/or choir programs at Liberty Center Local Schools may attend a Booster meeting as an unaffiliated observer only and shall not: engage in discussion, motion, second a motion, or vote.

(i) The purpose of the LCMB meetings is for the betterment of the students involved in the LC Schools band and choir programs. Meetings shall be held with professionalism – individuals displaying inappropriate or unruly behavior will be asked to leave. LCMB meetings shall not engage in the discussion of curriculum or course offerings.

Section 2: Voting

(a) A majority vote of all Booster members present shall be required to approve any financial decisions.

(b) The Band Director and Choir Director may not make a motion, second a motion, or vote on a motion.

(c) Votes may take place at a regular meeting or electronically as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.

(d) The Band Director and Choir Director shall be made aware of all votes and results.

Article VII—Funds and Property

Section 1: Treasurer’s Books and Allocation of Funds

(a) The Treasurer’s books shall be closed May 31st and audited no later June 30th.

(b) Profits made from fund-raisers will be allocated according to Booster membership vote at the May meeting to divide the funds between the following savings account categories: Uniform, Large Instrument, Scholarship, Busing and Trips. Not more that 40% of all net fundraising revenues shall be allocated.

(c) When deemed necessary, funds may be placed in a CD, certificate of deposit, savings account.

(d) Allocation of funds must be voted upon prior to distribution.

(e) Upon dissolution of the Liberty Center Music Boosters, and after all outstanding debts and claims have been satisfied, the members shall direct the remaining property of the LCMB to be distributed for one or more tax exempt purpose within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. In no instance is any remaining property to be divided or distributed to one or more private, non-501 (c)(3)-exempt individual, individuals, entity, or entities.

(f) No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth herein. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Section 2: Purchases

(a) When the Band Director or Choir Director requests a purchase they must adhere to the following procedures:

  • A written request must be submitted with as much notice as possible.
  • A quoted or estimated cost for the purchase

(b) Once the request to purchase an item has been received, the LCMB will make a motion to approve for the allocation of the funds by either voting at a regular LCMB meeting or via electronic ballot, if necessary, to approve of the donation.

(c) If the motion passes the order will then be placed with the LCMB issuing a check to the Liberty Center Local School Treasurer to cover the item.  The LCMB may also purchase items if necessary.

Section 3: Scholarships

(a) Scholarship decisions pertaining to both the number distributed and the values thereof shall be voted upon yearly by the Booster membership and distributed accordingly, or at times deemed appropriate.

(b) Funds will be distributed to scholarship winner(s) school of choice after the receipt of proper documentation from the school of attendance.

Article VIII—Uniforms

Section 1: Care

(a) The LCMB will assist in furnishing the uniforms for the high school band members, majorettes, and the high school choir program.

(b) Band, choir, and majorettes are held responsible for the uniform assigned to them and will be charged for any damages that may occur.

(c) Any article of clothing purchased by the organization for the students is the property of Liberty Center Local Schools and shall be returned to the school, unless otherwise specified.

(d) A volunteer, will be designated yearly to care for the uniforms.

Article IX—Amendments

Section 1: Approval

(a) Amendments to the constitution can be proposed, at any time for any reason, by any LCMB member in writing to members of the Executive Committee

(b) The amendment must then be presented to the organization during the next scheduled meeting after which it must be voted upon.

(c) The amendment shall not take effect until approved by a 2/3 majority vote of voting members in attendance.

Article X—Events

The Music Boosters have the discretion to offer and appropriately fund as many events as deemed necessary by the organization.

Section 1: Awards Banquet

(a) An amount of money, as deemed necessary by a vote of the LCMB membership, will be provided each year for the Liberty Center Music Department Awards Banquet. Donations to cover overages will be accepted, if necessary.

(b) The President and/or Executive Committee will assign a parent volunteer to chair this event.

(c) The parent volunteer will be responsible for decorating, planning, and communicating any needs to the Executive Committee, and assigning duties as needed to execute a thoughtful celebration of the efforts of the Liberty Center Music Department students and their families.

Section 2: Chaperones and Volunteers

(a) Chaperones must be parents and/or guardians of current students involved in the Liberty Center band and/or choir programs.

(b) All chaperones and/or volunteers with supervisory responsibility must be over the age of 18 and not currently enrolled at Liberty Center Local Schools.

(c) Chaperones will be permitted to assist at the discretion of the directors only.

(d) Chaperone requests are to be known by the May meeting.

(e) Per school policy, all chaperones must be approved by the Liberty Center Local Schools Board of Education and must be able to pass all necessary and appropriate background checks, as required by the Board of Education.

(f) Chaperones may be expected to pay for their own background checks.

(g) Volunteers do not need to be members of the Music Boosters but their ability to volunteer is at the discretion of the Music Booster Executive Committee.

(h) If a chaperone or volunteer is unable or unfit to complete their assigned duties, the directors and/or Music Booster Executive Committee reserves the right to ask the chaperone or volunteer to no longer assist with the organization.

Article XI—Fundraising and Donations

Section 1: Fundraising

(a) The LCMB shall engage in fundraising efforts each year as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.

(b) All fundraising income shall be allocated as per Article VII Section 1 (b) of the Constitution.

Section 2: Donations

(a) Donations will be accepted and considered as fundraising income, subject to the allocation as per Article VII Section 1 (b) of the Constitution.

(b) Donations given for the use of a specific need shall be accepted and are exempt from Article VII Section 1 (b) of the Constitution.

Article XII—Employees

Section 1:  Employment

(a) The LCMB shall not have employees.

(b) The LCMB may vote to compensate independent contractors, via donation, for their time and services to the band and/or choir programs. Examples of independent contractors include, but are not limited to: Majorette Advisor, band camp staff, private tutors/instructors, and choir accompanists. Additionally, considerations can be appropriated by means of a vote of the LCMB.

(c) No officer shall accept donations or compensations from the LCMB for duties directly related to their positions as officers or committee members of the LCMB.  Officers may be reimbursed in the event that they are making a purchase for the organization at the discretion of a vote of the LCMB membership.

(d) The Band Director and Choir Director may be considered as independent contractors eligible for donation/reimbursement as deemed appropriate by a vote of the LCMB.

History of Constitution

Created: 1996

Reviewed: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018

Revised: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018